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31. 小草美国见证会
30. 小草浙江见证会
29. 小草诗歌见证会(一)
28. 小草诗歌平安夜晚会
27. Holy Spirit
26. Jesus’s Love
25. I Lean on You
24. I Belongs To You
23. Hold Jesus
22. Peace
21. The Prayer
20. I Cry Out to You
19. Amazing Grace
18. Heavenly Father’s Love
17. That Place is Heaven
16. In Love with Lord
15. Overcome Hardships
14. I Need You
13. Lord Sent me Please
12. Love You Forever
11. Live for You
10. I will Always Love You
9. Come for Love
8. Pray for China
7. Please Fill Me Now
6. Sacrificial Love
5. You are my God
4. The Living God
3. A Thanksgiving Heart
2. The Healing God
1. You are in My Life
I Cry Out to You
Album Name:
I Cry Out to You
Album Hits:
How beautiful is your name in the whole earth
I look to you in your temple
I cry out to you
I cry out to you in the depths of my heart
You will always be my God
When I cry out
Please make me strong again
Please make a clean heart for me
I will look up to you
Of the gods there is no one comparable to you
Count your own days
Ask you to give me a heart
You are the God I cry out to
Blessed are those who have turned to GOD
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